Chicago Wellness – Watch out a new disease has been found!

HealthNews of the Month Click on each headline to read the full story.

A New Condition Created By Big Pharma -Video
“These drugs were then marketed for a new condition that was created by the pharmaceutical industry.”

I’ll have what they’re having: Do social norms influence food choices?
“Social norms, including having a knowledge of other people’s eating habits, has a distinct influence on our own food choices, according to new data from a new meta-analysis.”

UK bread and cereal bars found to be contaminated with glyphosate
“It’s no secret that, increasingly, Big Pharma, in cahoots with traditional medicinal practitioners, have created a society of near-zombies with all of the mood altering medications they push on the public.”

Top 10 Most Popular Videos of 2013
“2013 was a banner year for